Home > Laskowski â…§ – September 21 > MS1949 Paravauxite


Paravauxite is a hydrous iron aluminum phosphate. Samuel Gordon first announced the new species in a 1922 issue of Science Magazine. He later fully described the species (Gordon, 1923); the mineral name denotes it chemical similarity to vauxite. The mineral name vauxite, in turn, honors Pennsylvania based mineral collector George Vaux, Jr. (1863-1927). In his 1944 magnum opus The Mineralogy of the Tin Mines of Llallagua, Bolivia, Samuel Gordon followed up with further observations on paravauxite.

Paravauxite forms bladed crystals to 1.3 cm on quartz crystals with wavellite. Also present are micro-crystals of pyrite. Fresh specimens like this are decades old; currently produced material is typically oxidized. From the collection of E.R. Laskowski (1949-2020), a mining engineer who retired to Tucson, Arizona.

Price: $500

Item code: MS1949

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